Berkeley Faves From a Senior

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Prof. Keltner, UX@Berkeley, Ra-On, Etc.

As a senior preparing to graduate, I’ve been feeling incredibly grateful for the fun and growth I experienced over the years. Here are 10 favorite things from my time at Berkeley that I hope you can enjoy, too.

1. Favorite Habit: Self-Care

Taking care of myself is my favorite habit that I’ve developed. This looked like a lot of things for me: sleeping earlier and consistently, eating consistently, working out at the RSF, skin and hair care… I only started doing these things more intentionally the last semester of junior year, and I never knew there could be such a difference in how I view and approach life when I feel good being myself.

 Hosea and his friends at a Chinese Student Association (CSA) rooftop social.

Hosea and his friends at a Chinese Student Association (CSA) rooftop social.

2. Favorite Professor: Keltner

It would have to be Professor Dacher Keltner. I’ve taken Human Happiness and am currently in the Human Emotion class with him. Every lecture was like an interactive show mixed with well-being exercises. I learned so much important and interesting material that now informs how I navigate life.

As an honorable mention, my favorite class was Social Psychology with Professor Serena Chen; I wrote an article about my favorite classes back in junior year, and her class was on the list.

3. Favorite Extracurricular Activity: Clubs

My experience with UX@Berkeley has been serendipitous since the beginning. I joined the club the fall semester of my senior year as a low-commitment way to explore UX (user experience) work. (User experience is how a person interacts with a product or service.) Since then, the club has held a great portion of my time and shaped who I am both professionally and personally.

I’ve searched over my years at Cal for a community of cognitive science majors like myself. While I love the communities I’ve been a part of—Chinese Student Association (CSA) being my first and one I treasure—UX@Berkeley is a unique experience where I can exercise my strengths, explore my interests, and hang out with people who share them.

Hosea with his UX@Berkeley friends at a club social.

Hosea with his UX@Berkeley friends at a club social.

4. Favorite Campus Study Spot: the Student Union

It has changed over the years but currently, I would say it is the MLK Student Union Building or Eshleman Hall. The two are next to each other and have great vibes: I can study with company, good music, and places to hang out (MLK 1st floor, in particular). The location is easily accessible and close to restaurants and classes.

5. Favorite Moment on Upper Sproul Plaza: Live Music

I love when Ra-On performs on Upper Sproul Plaza. I think they’re really good—I always stop momentarily to watch them sing.

Thematically though, I would say my favorite time on Upper Sproul is whenever I had to table for a club (namely CSA as mentioned earlier). It’s a really fun experience to just sit at the club’s table with the person in the same shift as you because you get to talk, people-watch, and be visited by friends. Even when I’m off my shift, I would visit our club’s table after class, for example, just to say hi to whoever is tabling.

6. Favorite Achievement: Practiced Confidence

I think my favorite achievement is overcoming social anxiety. In high school and my underclassmen years, I would often be insecure, overthinking, and uneasy in social situations even if I didn’t show it. Joining CSA (a very social club) my sophomore year spring semester and then being a GBO leader at the start of junior year fall semester—these experiences offered exposure therapy that kick-started my genuine appreciation for social interactions. I developed confidence with all the lovely people I’ve met along this journey.

7. Favorite Restaurant: La Burrita

It has been the same since freshman year: La Burrita (Durant location). I love the California burrito and taco—they changed my life and always make my day better. God bless the talented and friendly workers.

8. Favorite Boba Spot: TP Tea

After trying most, if not all, of the boba spots around campus (and there’s a lot of them), I have come to the conclusion that my favorite is TP Tea (Telegraph location). They just have the most consistent quality and a good selection of flavors. In my humble opinion, of course.

9. Favorite College Tool: RateMyProfessors

The one that really helped me through college was RateMyProfessors.

I explain more about the tool in my article about three resources I always use to choose my classes. This website helps me identify which professors I want to take a class with and how I can succeed with a certain professor’s teaching style.

Also, shout-out to Spotify for being a great companion throughout college.

10. Favorite Advice: Personal Development

One piece of advice that I have lived by is that college is a great time for self-exploration and self-actualization. There are so many spaces to explore what you care about and are good at. Trying out new classes and clubs, for example, has been very eye-opening and rewarding for me. On that note, I think everyone can benefit from a psychology class and an environmental science class.

 Hosea’s first dance performance with “Super Shy” for his K-pop dance class.

Hosea’s first dance performance with “Super Shy” for his K-pop dance class.

My time here has been filled with unforgettable and life-changing experiences that shaped who I am and how I navigate life. I hope my favorite things can inspire you to discover some of your own during your time at Cal.


Hosea is a fourth-year at UC Berkeley majoring in cognitive science and minoring in creative writing and data science.

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