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  • Oski standing in front of a building at UC Berkeley.
    International @ Cal
    Reflections from an international student.
  • Academic Help
    Reach out...we're here!
  • 3 Sustainable Orgs
    3 of many environmentally-friendly student clubs.
  • Recruitment Hacks for Grads
    Navigating job applications as a recent grad.
  • Earth-first Clubs & Values @ Cal
    Eco-conscious ways to get involved.
  • 3 Habits of Successful Students
    Tips for success as a Cal student
  • Their Present, My Future
    I asked seniors to predict my next four years.
  • Optimize Studying
    Practical exam tips from a Cog Sci major.
  • My Financial Coaching Experience
    Free financial coaching for students.
  • Urban Travel 101: Around Berkeley
    How to travel around Berkeley & the Bay.
  • Northside Study Spots
    Find a new favorite study spot.
  • Try Calapalooza for Clubs
    Meet student clubs and orgs on campus.
  • Sustainability with SERC
    Learn about SERC and the work they do.
  • Student Learning Center Intro
    Set yourself up for academic success.
  • Late Night in Berkeley
    Stay safe and enjoy nightlife in Berkeley.
  • Discover NAVCAL & DSP Support
    Meet Tristan, DSP and NAVCAL participant.
  • Managing a Busy Schedule
    Tips for busy Bears.
  • All Things GSI
    Learn from your Graduate Student Instructor.
  • Intern Abroad!
    How you can study abroad.
  • Becoming a GSI
    Tips to find a Graduate Student Instructor post.
  • Explore the Bay Area
    Must-see spots around the Bay Area.
  • Explore Berkeley
    Must-see spots by campus and in Berkeley.
  • Study Hacks: UC Berkeley Style
    Five strategies to up your study game.
  • Making Friends: Student Stories
    Ways to start connecting with community.
  • Choosing a Major & Minor
    A student shares his considerations and tips.
  • Tech Resources @ Cal
    Free and discounted for your tech needs.
  • Choosing Classes: 3 Resources
    One student's tools and tips.
  • New Student? Start Here.
    10 must-reads to help you prepare for Cal.
  • Free (Etc.) for Campus Creatives
    Take advantage while you can!
  • Finding Success as a Transfer
    The Transfer Student Experience, reflections.
  • Hi, I Studied in South America!
    Travel, cultural immersion, worth it.
  • Graduating Student Advice
    Advice from the Class of 2023
  • Your ASUC Student Union
    A hub dedicated to you.
  • How Berkeley Changed Me for the Better
    A senior reflects on her undergraduate experience.
  • Career Fair Photos by Student Affairs Communications
    4 Post-Grad Job Hunting Tips
    Advice for landing that post-grad job.
  • Scholarship FAQs: Nina's Story
    Part 2: Improving your search process.
  • Considering Study Abroad?
    First steps to choosing your program.
  • DeCal Deep Dive
    All about classes led by students for students.
  • Make the Most of the Library
    Make the most of the UC Berkeley libraries.
  • Scholarship Search: Nina’s Story
    Find ones that support your academic career.
  • Hosea's notes from Psych 160 (Social Psychology)
    Classes to Check Out
    From 3 different disciplines!
  • Transfer Enrollment Tips
    Resources for transfer students.
  • Internship Success Tips
    Student perspective on finding an internship.
  • Elmwood Study Spots
    Not too far: a change of scenery!
  • Life-Changing Class: Philosophy
    How one class can change your perspective.
  • Black History on Campus
    Research & Black Lives at Cal (BLAC).
  • Internship Stories @ Cal
    Some internship ideas to inspire you.
  • Interning at the Smithsonian
    How one student landed a world-class internship.
  • Traveling Abroad with Berkeley
    One of Berkeley's many summer abroad experiences.
  • Free Academic & Wellness Resources
    Free (and discounted) academic and wellness offers.
  • How to Find the Right Internship
    What to know about starting your search.
  • Free, Fun, Both for Cal Students
    Fun opportunities (free and discounted!) for Berkeley students.
  • Hi, I'm a Cal Alum (Working for Lyft)
    Real world story about a Berkeley alum beginning her career.
  • Green Clubs & Student Advocacy
    Activism at UC Berkeley, then and now
  • Finals, Midterms, Exams, Oh My!
    How to win at exams and term papers.
  • Searching for Jobs & Internships
    Berkeley alumni share job search tips.
  • Senior Dixie Valle Jimenez
    I'll Miss You, Berkeley
    Graduating senior reflects on her Berkeley experience.
  • Job Search Success is More Than Just a Remote Possibility
    Berkeley Career Engagement tools can help you land a job working remotely or in person.
  • Preparing for an Internship
    Berkeley Career Engagement shares insight into the internship process.
  • 6 Financial Aid Tips to Make Your Life Easier
    Make your life easier with advice from a financial aid expert.
  • Remembering to Breathe
    Holistic Wellness, Part 3: Creating Mental Space
  • Mi Familia Es Mi EnergĂ­a
    Holistic Wellness, Part 2: Staying Motivated and Inspired
  • Tips for Tackling Final Exams
    Top takeaways: study, self-care. And hot chocolate.
  • Top 5 Library Study Spots
    Ranking the best library spaces on campus.
  • Hi, I Studied Abroad
    Make Study Abroad work for you.
  • In front of Sproul Hall, wheelchair ramps were recently added to the connecting passageway between Upper and Lower Sproul Plaza.
    Disability Rights Movement Highlights
    Get to know the history of disability rights at Berkeley.
  • Disability in Literature: What I've Learned
    One lit class to consider this awareness month.
  • Meet Latinx Faculty
    Latinx history, literacy, literature.
  • Curious About Big Ideas?
    UC Berkeley classes with an interdisciplinary focus.
  • Traditions at Berkeley
    Explore longtime Berkeley traditions.
  • Sign Up for Discovery
    Change your life with Discovery courses.
  • Choosing Classes @ Cal
    What to do when planning a semester at UC Berkeley.
  • Decal Workshop
    Teaching DeCal Online
    How one student teaches a DeCal class remotely.
  • Tips from a GSI
    How to work with a GSI.
  • Remote Study Tips: #5
    No student is an island!
  • Remote Study Tips: #4
    Your schedule is your friend.
  • Remote Study Tips: #3
    Create your best study environment.
  • Remote Study Tips: #2
    Stay on track with personal goals.
  • Remote Study Tips: #1
    What works for remote study? Here's tip 1 of a series.
  • Remote Classes: Student Stories
    Stories about transitioning to remote coursework and virtual classrooms.
  • Remote Instruction: What Worked
    Success from Berkeley online!
  • Hi, I Tried Career Center Peer Advising
    Peer advising will spark up your resume.
  • 3 Easy Funding Boosts
    Give your funding a boost with one or more of these.
  • New Students & Financial Aid
    Your Financial Aid FAQs answered.
  • Out-of-State Transfer
    My transfer journey from outstate to CA.
  • Prizes and Honors Program
    Empty wallet? Listen up.
  • Maximize Berkeley
    Maximize your time at UC Berkeley by getting involved, healthy, tutored.
  • Career Advice
    Career Center tips and advice.
  • Financial Aid Basics 1
    Advice for students to consider when funding their education.
  • Financial Aid Basics 2
    Be creative with financing your education.