Student Favorites For Your UC Berkeley Photoshoot
Maybe I’m biased, but the nice thing about having such a beautiful campus is the fact that you don’t have to search very far to find a good spot to take photos. Whether you’re looking for some inspiration on where to take your graduation photos or you’re a newly admitted Berkeley student searching for the most photogenic spots around campus, scroll onward to discover your new favorite photo backdrop. I listed these in alphabetical order and tried to include places that aren’t as photographed or as frequently featured on Instagram, and I hope you discover a new favorite place!
Bear Statues
There are 23 spots around campus where you can see bears, so take your pick on which ones you want to pose next to!

One of the bear statues in between McLaughlin and Bechtel Halls. Photo by Keegan Houser.

The bear statue at Memorial Stadium. Photo by Keegan Houser.
The Big C
The Big C is one of the most photogenic places around campus, especially because of the swing, so you know I had to mention it.

Photo by Rachel Holmes.
Bridge Near Faculty Glade
The bridge connecting Faculty Glade to Stephens Hall is one of the shadier places on campus, and the perfect place to take some cool portraits!

Photo by Steve McConnell.
Eucalyptus Grove
Right next to the Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB) is Eucalyptus Grove, a bit of an underrated spot that’s gorgeous during sunset hours.

Photo by Keegan Houser.

The bridge in Eucalyptus Grove. Photo by Steve McConnell.
Giannini Hall and Haviland Hall
Another great place to take photos at golden hour, Giannini Hall and Haviland Hall face each other and have patches of trees in between them, along with a few benches. Giannini Hall also has a beautiful entrance if you want to take some photos inside as well.

Giannini Hall as seen from the bridge nearby. Photo by Keegan Houser.

The entrance of Giannini Hall. Photo by Adam Parker.

Haviland Hall steps. Photo by David Schmitz.
The Libraries
As long as you’re not disturbing anyone’s studies, the libraries are great places to take photos. Aside from the obvious photogenic places like Doe Library (Entrance, Morrison Reading Room, and the North Reading Room), Berkeley’s 27 total libraries give you a lot of places to choose from, so get exploring and discover a new spot!

Moffitt Library’s fifth-floor windows facing the glade and Doe Library. Photo by Jami Smith for the UC Berkeley Library.

The outside of the Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library. Photo by Jami Smith.
Memorial Pool
Located near Moffitt Library, you can get a shot of Doe Library, the Glade, and the Campanile all at once here. Plus, the reflection is a cool bonus.

Photo by Keegan Houser.
Philosophy Hall / Stephens Hall Courtyard
Near the Faculty Glade bridge is this courtyard nestled between Philosophy Hall and Stephens Hall. There are a few benches hidden in the trees as well, and the steps are another great place to take photos.

View of the courtyard from the top of the stairs.

The entrance of the courtyard near 4.0 Hill and Faculty Glade.
South Hall Steps
The oldest building on campus, South Hall is another one of my favorite buildings because of its beautiful architecture. It faces the Campanile so you can get in a few shots with the tower in the frame if you sit on the steps and get the perfect angle, or just take pics that feature the building itself.

Left: Close-up of South Hall’s steps. Photo by Alan Nyiri. Right: Photo by Brittany Hosea-Small.
Valley Life Sciences Building
Architecturally, VLSB is one of my favorite buildings on campus. You can take a picture with the T-Rex inside or opt for pictures with more natural lighting at one of the many trees around the building.

Left: The trees start blossoming in the early spring months outside VLSB. Photo by Gretchen Kell. Right: Photo by Steve McConnell.
For Graduating Bears: Buildings You Frequented Most
If you’re looking to take some fun, “nontraditional” graduation photos, get creative! Was there a corner of campus you frequented the most? A classroom you were constantly in? Did you stop to eat lunch at the same spot? Reflect on your time spent on campus and find the spots that mean the most to you to feature in your graduation photos. Check out this post from our Instagram that showcases some popular places to take graduation photos.
Looking for the best spots on campus to take grad photos, or just nice photos in general? We’ve got you covered! 📸🐻🎓
Big 💙 to our team’s seniors who participated in the shoot!
#ucberkeley #berkeley #graduate #gradphotos #gradphotoshoot #bayarea #campuslife #ucberkeleylife

Remember to have fun, and make your own list of photo-worthy places around campus!
Melissa Mora-Gonzalez is a fourth year at UC Berkeley majoring in English and minoring in conservation and resource studies.
Want More?
- Discover some of the most popular Instagrammable places on campus.
- Find a new hidden study spot (and potential photoshoot spots).
- Take a hike in Berkeley and discover even more beautiful scenery.