A Spring 2022 Bucket List (of sorts)
A new year and a new semester have arrived! In the spirit of tradition, UC Berkeley students are setting resolutions, something that seems especially important right now (when it can feel more daunting than usual to plan). If you’re seeking ideas to add to your list of goals for this spring, read what your fellow UC Berkeley students are looking forward to this semester. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration for your own set of goals!
Success and Excitement in Academia
“I’m excited about raising my GPA more (COVID was not kind to it..), and just giving myself some more relaxation time. For my GPA, I’m taking classes I’m actually interested in and want to take (basically finished all of my requirements!!) so that’s an immediate GPA booster for me. And I’m finally getting used to my jobs/leadership positions, so I know how to work my schedule to give myself some me-time.”
– Zeynep E., Junior
It can be easy to lose academic motivation—to avoid that, seek out the positives in your courses and situation! What drives you to succeed at UC Berkeley? Are there any classes you are truly excited about? Goals you want to achieve? If you’re looking for study tips, including how to manage procrastination (and eliminate it!) check out the strategic learning resources offered through the Student Learning Center. And if you’re looking to explore a new study spot, check out this Berkeley Life article on the Top 5 Library Study Spots!

Zeynep E. (left), Karthik S. (right)
Kicking Back and Having Fun
“I am most excited to play more Wiffle ball on the glade this semester. I was a little busy last semester and was therefore only able to play once a week on average, but I am looking forward to being on the Glade several times a week this semester at least. I am also looking forward to playing IM (intramural) Basketball for the first time since freshman year.”
– Karthik S., Junior
Find things to be excited about! The RSF is open and a schedule of available Rec Sports programs offers fun alternatives. Whether you try a new sport, explore untapped exercise options, or settle back into a routine, RSF services may surprise you. Or are you more interested in joining a club or organization? Search for student organizations on CalLink to find the club that’s right for you.
Finding Balance
“I learned how to better manage time between clubs and classes and have learned the importance of making time for myself and things that I want to do.”
– Allysa C., Sophomore
“Last semester, I learned more about managing my time in terms of handling my extracurriculars and academics as well as forming a balanced schedule!”
– Christine W., Junior
Often, the most important part of creating goals for a new semester is reevaluating past semesters and learning what worked for you and what did not. Figuring out how much you can take on is the key to a less stressful environment, and it is often what comes out of reflecting on past academic semesters. A good place to start is with time management: like this PDF of time management tips by the Tang Center.

Allysa C. (left), Christine W. (right)
Looking to the Future
“I want to obtain an internship and get a 4.0! I will be utilizing career center resources, alumni networks, and manage my time well with work, school, club tennis, and socializing.”
– Daisy L., Junior (final semester)
Whether this is your first semester or your last, take advantage of the resources Berkeley has for its students! The Career Center has a lot to offer, including tools for job searching and a starting place for those searching for internships. For more information and to see a full calendar of events hosted by the Career Center, be sure to check out their website.

Daisy L.
This spring, I hope you stick to your goals and work hard towards them! May this article encourage you to fulfill your hopes and dreams this semester—and maybe inspire you to try something new, too.
Melissa Mora-Gonzalez is a first-year student at UC Berkeley majoring in English.
Want More?
- Discover where some Cal Bears interned over the summer.
- Golden bears and where they spent their winter breaks.