How to Stay in Touch First-Gen, Health & Wellness, New Students, Transfers Where to find important updates and fun events.
Support & Orgs for Veterans @ Cal Clubs & Orgs, Community & Identity, Student Spotlight, Transfers, Veterans Meet Anthony, co-president of the Cal Veterans Group.
Making Friends as a Transfer Community & Identity, New Students, Transfers So many ways to meet people!
Transfer 1st Month @ Cal Clubs & Orgs, Explore Campus, Fall Start, New Students, Spring Start, Student Spotlight, Transfers Make the most of your first month at Cal.
Housing as a Transfer Housing & Dining, New Students, Student Spotlight, Transfers Transfer-specific housing search
Their Present, My Future Admissions, Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight, Transfers I asked seniors to predict my next four years.
Finding Success as a Transfer Academic Opportunities, Internships & Jobs, Student Spotlight, Transfers The Transfer Student Experience, reflections.
Plan Your Time @ Cal: Transfers Clubs & Orgs, Explore Campus, Student Spotlight, Transfers Make your time at Cal count!
Out-of-State Transfer Admissions, New Students, out-of-state, Student Spotlight, Transfers My transfer journey from outstate to CA.