Year-Round Fun @ Berkeley Explore Campus, New Students, Student Spotlight What students did this summer and what they’re looking forward to this fall!
Work-Study Jobs: How to Apply Fall Start, Fin Aid & Scholarships, First-Gen, Internships & Jobs, New Students, Spring Start, Work-Study Step-by-step: How you can find a work-study job.
Campus Clubs: Finding & Applying Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight Navigating the process of joining clubs at Cal.
Free Academic & Wellness Resources Admissions, Explore Campus, First-Gen, Health & Wellness, New Students, Study Tips Free (and discounted) academic and wellness offers.
How to Find the Right Internship Academic Opportunities, Careers & Post-Grad, Internships & Jobs What to know about starting your search.
Free, Fun, Both for Cal Students Admissions, Clubs & Orgs, Explore Campus, New Students Fun opportunities (free and discounted!) for Berkeley students.
A Day in My Life: Lucas Housing & Dining, Student Spotlight, Work-Study Senior Lucas Yen shares his experience living off campus for the first time.
LGBTQIA+ Resources on Campus Clubs & Orgs, Community & Identity, New Students, Student Spotlight Find campus support and community for LGBTQIA+ students.
Hi, I’m a Cal Alum (Working for Lyft) Careers & Post-Grad Real world story about a Berkeley alum beginning her career.
Green Clubs & Student Advocacy Activism & Volunteering, Admissions, Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight Activism at UC Berkeley, then and now
Instagrammable Places on Campus Explore Campus, New Students Some of the most photogenic insta spots around UC Berkeley.
Cal’s AA&PI Community Clubs & Orgs, Community & Identity, Student Spotlight Focusing on Asian American and Asian Pacific Islander visibility.
Res Hall Living: 1 POV Housing & Dining, New Students, Student Spotlight First-year student on life in the Residence Halls.
Searching for Jobs & Internships Careers & Post-Grad, First-Gen, Internships & Jobs Berkeley alumni share job search tips.