Meet Nikkei Student Union Clubs & Orgs, Community & Identity, Student Spotlight Celebrating the AA&PI community.
Museum Visit: The Magnes Community & Identity, Explore Campus, Student Spotlight Celebrate Jewish American heritage with a visit.
How Berkeley Changed Me for the Better Admissions, Community & Identity, Student Spotlight A senior reflects on her undergraduate experience.
Considering Study Abroad? Majors & Courses, New Students, Student Spotlight, Study Abroad First steps to choosing your program.
Plan Your Time @ Cal: Transfers Clubs & Orgs, Explore Campus, Student Spotlight, Transfers Make your time at Cal count!
Internship Success Tips Academic Opportunities, Careers & Post-Grad, First-Gen, Internships & Jobs, Student Spotlight Student perspective on finding an internship.
Black History on Campus Academic Opportunities, Clubs & Orgs, Community & Identity, Student Spotlight Research & Black Lives at Cal (BLAC).
Out of State, Right in Place Explore Campus, New Students, Student Spotlight Finding a home as an out-of-state student
Interning at the Smithsonian Academic Opportunities, Careers & Post-Grad, Internships & Jobs, Student Spotlight How one student landed a world-class internship.
Traveling Abroad with Berkeley Academic Opportunities, Alternative Academics, Student Spotlight One of Berkeley’s many summer abroad experiences.
Meet Calapalooza Clubs! Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight A few of the 600+ student clubs & orgs at Cal.
Pottery at Berkeley Art Studio Alternative Academics, Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight Tapping into the artistic side of student life